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"Military History of Mississippi, 1803-1898"
CHALMER'S RAID ON OCTOBER 5 TO 15, 1863 General Chalmers advanced his cavalry brigade from Oxford, Miss. and attacked the Union fort at Collierville, Tenn., which was situated on the Memphis & Charleston Rail. The 5th Mississippi Cavalry was left to defend their return route at Wyatt's Ferry on the Tallahatchie River. The 5th Mississippi Cavalry was not at full strength and not equipped. The first Battle of Collierville took place on October 11th. Just prior to the attack, a train arrived from Memphis carrying a contingent of the 13th US Regular Infantry Regiment and General Tecumseh Sherman. The Confederate attack managed to destroy the train and capture General Sherman's horse but they attack was repulsed. General Chalmers fell back to Mississippi and were pursued all the way to Tallahatchie River. Casualties of 5th Mississippi Cavalry : 1 Officer wounded. (Source OR, Gen. Chalmer's Report) Oranization of General Chalmers' Brigade as of Oct. 3, 1863 o 2d Arkansas Cavalry - Capt. Cochran o 1st Mississippi Partisan Rangers - Lieut-Col. Hovis o 18th Misssippi Battalion - Major Chalmers o 2d Missouri Cavalry - Col McCulloch o 7th Tennessee cavalry - Lieut-Col. Duckworth o Texas Battalion - Lieut-Col. Willis o 5th Mississippi Cavalry (new regiment) - Colonel J. Z. George o McLendon's Battery - Capt. J. M. McLendon (Two 6-pounders- Oct 1864) Total Present: 154 Officers & 1,600 Men Arms: Serviceable 1,387 Unserviceable 35 OFFICIAL RECORDS
from General Chalmers' Report:
Finding it impossible to put Colonel Richardson's brigade (which had been transferred to my command on the 2d) in readiness to move before the 6th, I ordered my whole command to move on the morning of that day, directing Richardson's brigade, the First Mississippi Partisans, and Second Missouri Cavalry, which were on outpost duty, to join me at Salem. But hearing on the evening of the 4th that the enemy intended to disturb the election which was to be held in Holly Springs on the 5th, I left the new regiment, commanded by Colonel George, which was not fully organized, to picket the river, an dmoved at daylight on the next morning with the other troops under my immediate command---consisting of the Seventh Tennesessee, Third Missisippi (State), Eighteenth Mississippi Battalion, and one rifled gun, the whole amounting to about 850 men---to Holly Springs, and threw out pickets to protect the place. Quote from Union Report: In accordance with orders from brigade headquarters, my command, consisting of the Second Iowa Cavalry, 860 strong, and 4 pieces of artillery, 12-pounder mountain howitzers, left this place at 3 a.m., moving on the Mount Pleasant road; at 10 a. m. reached the Coldwater at Miller’s Mills, and after some trifling repairs on the road passed the swamp and took the Byhalia road, arriving at that place at 3.30 pm. At this place found Capt. Charles C. Horton, commanding First Battalion, Second Iowa Cavalry, armed with Colt revolving rifles, who had been sent to make necessary repairs at the crossing of the Coldwater, in advance of the command. From Byhalia we took the Chulahoma road for 5 miles and turned east some 4 miles, where we camped for the night. At 8 am of the 12th, Capt. C. C. Horton, commanding First Battalion, was sent to Chulahoma and to Wyatt Ferry, on the Tallahatchie, if necessary, to communicate with Colonel McMillen, commanding a brigade of infantry. At 8 am the brigade was in motion, the Second Iowa Cavalry having the advance. During the forepart of the day there was very little skirmishing with a party of scouts, who were placed in the vicinity of Tallaloosa, 8 miles southwest of Holly Springs, to watch the movements of our cavalry. Passing to the right of Tallaloosa, we took the road to Cox’s plantation, thence turned east, taking the Waterford road. Parties were sent in all directions to ascertain the whereabouts and probable force of the enemy, but no information could be gained of a large force at any point on the Tallahatchie River; but that night pickets were placed at all available crossings on that river, with small scouts or patrols on all roads running north to the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. During tho afternoon it was pretty well understood that General Forrest’s main force had left Oxford, Miss., his late headquarters, and gone south, some supposed to Grenada. At sunset we reached Old Waterford at dark the depot and new town of Waterford. ~~~~~
of Colonel J. Z. George:No. 27. Report of Col. James Z. George, Fifth
Mississippi Cavalry.
CAMP NEAR WATER VALLEY, October 17, 1863. CAPTAIN: On Tuesday evening (the 13th instant), about 3 o'clock, I was ordered by Colonel Richardson to march my command to the town of Wyatt to meet the enemy, who were then nearly arrived at that place. In a few moments I was on the ground with 60 men, they being all for whom I had ammunition except those absent on detached service. My command was at first, by order of Colonel Richardson, placed in line on the east side of the main street of the town with the view of preventing a flank movement of the enemy under the edge of the hille and in the bottom. After a short reconnaissance of the ground, I discovered that it was impossible from the nature of the ground for the enemy to flank us in that direction. I moved my command west of the [main] street, and placed them in position in front of the enemy. The distance betweeen the two forces was so great that every little execution was done by the firing of either party. Soon after this I was ordered by Colonel Richardson to move my command to a ford which was about three-fourths of a mile above the main crossing of the Tallahatchie River. This I did, and drove away the enemy's pickets stationed at the ford, and in pursuance of my orders I held the ford until the fighting was over and our forces had been withdrawn from the field. During the night it was determined to fall farther back, owing to the scarcity of ammunition and the wearied condition of the men and horses. The command falling back, had proceeded about 4 miles when General Chalmers ordered us to return and prevent the advance of the enemy. I accordingly returned with such of my men as had ammunition, and remained in position in the breastworks near Wyatt until next morning about 4 o'clock, when it was discovered that the enemy had fallen back. The affair at Wyatt was a small one, our action being defensive, the enemy not pressing much. Respectfully submitted. J. Z.
Capt. W. A.
GOODMAN, Assistant
Adjutant-General.Colonel, Commanding. |
Quote from General Chalmers' Report: No.4.
Report of Brig. General James R.
Chalmers, C. S. Army
COLONEL: On October 26, I
received a
telegram from General Johnston notifying me that
On the
night of the 2d, I concentrated Slemons’ and McCulloch’s commands at The
from near Germantown and Collierville reported on the night of the 2d
that the
enemy was evacuating the railroad; that the infantry had all been taken
and that there was only one regiment of cavalry at Germantown and one
Collierville (the Sixth and Seventh Illinois Cavalry). Supposing
that the
scouts were on the State line road as ordered, and having heard nothing
them of any movement of troops from
before day on the morning of the 3d,
we crossed Coldwater below Quinn’s Mill;
moved in rear of the pickets and cut them off, killing 2, wounding 4
severely to move, and capturing a lieutenant and 26 men. This was about
o’clock, and we moved thence by two roads (Slemons on the western and
on the eastern road) to Collierville. The citizens up to within a mile
of the
place confirmed the statement of Colonel
McCrillis, with two regiments of cavalry and four pieces of artillery,
from between My loss at Collierville was 6 killed, 63 wounded, and 26 prisoners. Among the last, Col.
J. Z. George and my chief surgeon, Dr. William H. Batty. Colonel
George led the
charge made by Slemons’ brigade, and rode into the town followed by Captain
Scales and Lieutenant Lamkin,
of his regiment, and
a few of his men. The main
body of his regiment did not follow him, and, as we were
mistaken about the
force at Collierville, it is, perhaps, best that they did not. The loss of
the enemy at Collierville is not known, but believed to have been
heavy. His
loss at Quinn’s Mill, including the skirmishes. of the morning and
were 9 men and 15 horses killed, a lieutenant and 26 men taken
prisoners. We
learned since the fight that infantry came down from the east on the
2d, and
that Colonel Hatch, with three regiments of cavalry, encamped on that
night at James R.
Col. B. S. Ewell, Assistant Adjutant-General.Brigadier-General, Commanding Return of Casualties in Chalmers' command in the action at Collierville, Tenn., November 3, 1863 McCulloch's Brigade 1st Mississippi Partisan Rangers KIA: Oficers 0 Men 0 WIA: Officers 1 Men 12 Total 13 18th Mississippi Battalion KIA: Oficers 0 Men 1 WIA: Officers 2 Men 3 Total 6 2d Missouri Cavalry KIA: Oficers 0 Men 0 WIA: Officers 2 Men 7 Total 9 Slemon's Brigade 3d Mississippi State Cavalry KIA: Officers 0 Men 0 WIA: Officers 3 Men 19 Total 23 George's regiment [5th Miss Cav] KIA: Oficers 0 Men 4 WIA: Officers 0 Men 14 Total 18 TOTAL KIA: Oficers 0 Men 6 WIA: Officers 8 Men 55 Total 95 ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
Quote from Colonel Slemons' Report: {Text describes a skirmish on the Collierville Road, 6 miles outside of the town.} No.4.
Report of Col. W. F. Slemons, Second
Arkansas Cavalry, commanding brigade
CAPTAIN: In obedience to orders of this date, I have the honor to
forward herewith the following report of the engagement at Collierville, Tenn., and Quinn’s
Mill, Miss.: HEADQUARTERS SLEMON'S BRIGADE Burlingham, November 7 About 12 m. on November 3, I received orders from General Chalmers to move on Collierville, my command being at the [time] on the Quinn’s Mill and Collierville [road]. Putting my force in motion—at that time consisting of Georges cavalry, the Third Mississippi, and a detachment of the Second Arkansas, the Seventh Tennessee having been left south of Coldwater as an escort for the artillery—moving rapidly in the direction of Collierville, I encountered the enemy’s skirmishers about 6 miles from town, and drove them back rapidly to a point known as the White House, where the enemy re-enforced, made a stubborn resistance under cover of fences and farm houses, from which position a spirited dash upon their flank by Lieutenant Allen, Second Arkansas, forced them to retire. From this point, the country being open, I was enabled to bring my entire force against them, forming rapidly my line of battle—the right (Colonel George’s regiment) resting on the Mount Pleasant road, my left (Colonel Barksdale, Third Mississippi) resting on the Collierville {road} and Quinn’s Mill road, the Second Arkansas acting as flankers. My line of battle had scarcely been formed for the advance when the enemy opened on my right and center with light artillery. Believing it better to advance without waiting for further reconnaissance or re-enforcements than to risk the moral effect upon my troops (most of whom were new) of falling back out of range of the artillery, the order to advance was given and the line moved steadily on to within 300 yards of the enemy’s lines, which were partially concealed behind the crest of a ridge, when he opened upon me a heavy fire of artillery directly in front. I at once ordered the charge, which was responded to in gallant style. When within 60 yards of the brow of the hill the enemy opened upon us a most destructive fire of small-arms along our whole line. This fire was from rifle-pits, of the existence of which I was totally ignorant. At this shock the whole line wavered and showed signs of confusion. About this time Colonel McCulloch appeared on the extreme left of the enemy’s lines and attacked them vigorously, but for some time, say fifteen minutes, was unable to attract their attention from me. Having succeeded in drawing their attention, enabled me to withdraw my men in order, after having been under heavy fire for about one hour, the attack upon the place in front being a failure. Received an order from General Chalmers to move around to the support of Colonel McCulloch, who by this time had become closely engaged with the enemy’s left. Moving rapidly to the right, I took position in rear of Colonel McCulloch, who withdrew upon the Mount Pleasant road; thence on the road to Quinn’s Mill, on Coldwater, the enemy pursuing us closely with two pieces of artillery. At Coldwater they made a dash upon the rear guard, under Lieutenant Allen, Second Arkansas, who being thrown from his horse fell into the hands of the enemy. My rear was attacked in its passage of the bridge, but no damage done. I formed on the south bank of the stream, and a brisk engagement sprang up for the possession of the bridge, which lasted until after dark, when the enemy withdrew. Leaving a force to guard the bridge and crossings in vicinity, I withdrew 3 miles and went into camp, from which point I moved to this place on the 4th. My loss in these engagements was considerable, as you will see from list of casualties forwarded herewith. The conduct of the troops under my command, with a few exceptions, in the presence of the enemy was good. Colonels George and Barksdale have a reputation too well established for gallantry to be benefited by any comment from me. Colonel George, with a gallantry discarding caution, dashed on ahead of his men and fell into the hands of the enemy. It would be doing them injustice were I to omit speaking of the promptness and coolness with which Lieut. H. A. Sandford, my acting assistant adjutant-general, and Capt. P. H. Echols, Second Arkansas, my aide-de-camp, executed every order in the thickest of the fight. I am, captain, very respectfully, R.
W. F. Slemons
Colonel Commanding.
Capt. W. A. Goodman, Assistant Adjutant-General.~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
________________________________________Nancy Douglas researched the NARA archive files extensively to locate and identify 36 soldiers of the 5th Mississippi Cavalry who were casualties that listed Collierville. The casualties included Col. James Z. George and two of his officers. One report said Col George was knocked off his horse and wounded and taken prisoner. A search was made to locate any soldier who was a casualty of the first battle of Collierville on October 11. There was one soldier who had two card files with conflicting information; one said he was captured at Collierville and the other said he was captured at Wyatt's Ferry. The latter fits the OR's for the regiment. For a Roster of the Casualties of 5th Mississippi Cavalry for 3 November, 1863, click here. Rowland's history of the 3rd Mississippi Cavalry for 3 November, 1863, said they joined the 5th Mississippi Cavarly in the raid and suffered a total loss of 1 killed, 3 officers and 19 men wounded. |
BATTLE OF FORT PILLOW, TN - APRIL 12, 1864 For more history and casualty rosters, go to the Main Menu: Fort Pillow . CASUALTIES OF THE 5TH RECORDS
The 5th Mississippi Cavalry suffered the highest number of casualties in the attack on the earthworks at Fort Pillow. The regiment had a total of 18 casualties, including 4 KIA. Lt-Col. Wiley Reed was mortally wounded and would die at Jackson on May 1, 1864. REED, Wiley
Lt-Col - C.O. - WIA Dangerously,
BURTON, N. B., Lt Co. A - KIA FLOWERS, James E., Cpl Co A - KIA TOUNSEND, V. A., Pvt Co A - WIA Dangerously In hip & arm HARRISON, L. W. 2-Sgt Co A - WIA Seriously- Right Thigh CARTLEDGE, S. V. 3-Sgt Co B - WIA Slightly- In groin PETEETE, R. W. Pvt Co C - WIA Seriously- Shoulder COLE, Richard W. Pvt Co C - KIA JENKINS, Green H. Pvt Co C - WIA Slightly- In face CHEW, G. B. Cpl Co F - WIA Slightly- In throat BEARD, T. T. Pvt Co F - WIA Slightly- In elbow PEASTER, J. G. Pvt Co F - WIA Slightly- In arm TOWNSEND, R. W. 3-Cpl Co G - WIA SMITH, Ben F. Pvt Co G - WIA Slightly- In shoulder CAMPBELL, W. C. Sgt Co I - WIA Slightly- In thigh BRIDGES, H. C. Pvt Co I - WIA Slightly- Inhead JONES, Sidney Pvt Co K - KIA CAMPBELL, Percival M. Pvt Co K - WIA Slightly- In side For a complete list of Confederate and Union casualties, go to the Main Menu: Fort Pillow . ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
_________________________________________________________________________________________________Organization of Forrest's Cavalry Quote
from OR's:
of Forrest's Cavalry, Major General Nathan B. Forrest, C. S.
Army, commandingMay 10, 1864. CHALMERS' DIVISION - Brigadier General JAMES R. CHALMERS First Brigade. - Colonel JAMES J. NEELY 7th 12th 14th 15th Provost Guard, Captain D. J. Murchison Second Brigade. -Colonel ROBERT McCULLOCH 5th 7th 8th 18th 2nd McDonald's ( Waul's ( Escort, Company C, 18th Battalion I am indebted to the discretion of Lieutenant-Colonel Nesbit and the promptitude with which he acted in obeying an order to cover a flanking road, thereby preventing a party of the enemy from passing my right flank and to my rear, the roads to my rear all being exposed after the withdrawal of our troops without my knowledge. August 23, we moved with the brigade after the retreating Yankees. Attacked them at Abbeville. My command was mounted; the Fifth MISSISSIPPI dismounted. We held the position against three regiments of infantry until they had not only flanked us on both sides, but almost closed in our rear. When the order reached me to retire my flag (the staff and material of which are riddled with shot) was in forty paces of the flag of the advancing infantry. Casualties of 5th Mississippi Regiment; Killed 4, Wounded 10, Missing 12. {Skirmish at Oxford and Abbeville}. |
Alexander McCain
William A. McCain
of Attala County |
During the first Presidential debate in 2008 held at Ole Miss, the press began to research the family history of John McCain. One article reported they discovered that McCain's family had a planation in Carroll County, MS, and owned slaves. Here is the story of Senator John S. McCain's great- great- grandfather. ---o---
William McCain had owned a plantation in Carroll County called "Teoc". The 1860 Slave census showed he owned 52 slaves. The rest of the story of William McCain of Carroll County is not fully known. Some sources list him as a Physician. The 1860 Census listed a large family so maybe he was exempt from service. He died on 20 June 1863 but I have not found the cause of death. He would have been 46 years old in 1863 when they draft age was expanded. The 1870 Census lists his widow living with a young son, John S. McCain, the first of the lineage of McCain's. From this son, the McCain's would have a lineage of men who went on to serve in the US Navy. I have told several people in my hometown and on some web forums that this cavalryman was the ancestor of Senator John McCain. Now I have to go back and correct that and tell everyone the correct story. |
The Archives card on the Right is for a William A. McCain who was from Attalla County, which is where his Company enlisted. His records report that he deserted on 15 Feb. 1864. Another file reported that he was held under provost guard in Memphis and he took an Oath of Allegience on 6 April. His last entry stated he died in a hospital on 26 April, 1864. This is NOT the ancestor of Senator John McCain, the 2012 Presidential candidate. ![]() |