3rd 'Marne' Infantry Division
Based on booklet entitled:
Blue & White Devils was a short history of the 3rd 'Marne' Infantry Division. This booklet was published during the last months of the war for distribution to the soldiers and their families. It provides a good overview of the history of the 3rd Infantry Division. Portions of the booklet were edited and only the description of the period during the Italian Campaign are included on this site. Note: The 88th Division was known as the "Blue Devils" and are referred by that name in many reference sources. The name, "Blue & White Devils" used here for the 3rd Division is not that well-known or used. It can result in some confusion. Steve Cole |
on 3rd 'Marne' Infantry Division The 3rd Division was in combat for 531 consecutive days. Its soldiers earned 36 Medal of Honors during World War II. At Anzio the Division fought off three German divisions . While there it suffered more than 900 casualties, the most in one day of any division in World War II. The enemy called them the "Blue and White Devils". The most highly decorated soldier of the war, LT Audie Murphy served with the 15th Infantry Regiment. "NOUS
RESTERONS LA" Operations
Since WW2 |
of Division
- Units + Summary of Awards & Casualties - CLICK
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Abbreviations: During WW2, the typical Infantry Division was formed as a “triangular unit”, which meant the division consisted of 3 Regiments. The 3rd Division contained the 7th, 5th & 30th Infantry Regiments. Each Regiment consisted of three battalions that commanded four companies. The 1st Battalion consisted of Companies A, B, C, & D; the 2nd Battalion of Companies E, F, G, & H; and the 3rd Battalion of Companies I, K, L, & M(heavy weapons). The Cannon Company was a light artillery unit that reported to the regiment. At the end is infomation about the organization of the division, followed by a glossary of military terms--- Organization of 3rd. |
and White Devils
THE STORY OF THE 3rd INFANTRY DIVISION It was Adolph Hitler's birthday and three platoons of proud troops presented arms at the Hitler Platz in Nurnberg as a flag was raised to the top of the pole at one end of the square. A general made a short but dramatic speech. But the ceremony was a shocking insult to Nazism. The troops were American; the flag, the Stars and Stripes; the general, an officer in the United States Army. This was a small measure of the 3rd Infantry Division's contempt for the Nazis -- the 3rd which began its war against the Germans early Nov. 8, 1942, off the coast of French Morocco. Thirty months later, May 8, 1945, when the Nazis surrendered unconditionally, the 3rd boasted three additional amphibious landings, eight campaign stars, 33 Congressional Medal of Honor winners and such memorable milestones as Casablanca and Tunisia in Africa; Palermo and Messina in Sicily; Monte Lungo and the Volturno River in southern Italy; the Anzio beachhead, Cisterna and Rome in central Italy; the Riviera, Rhone River Valley, Montelimar and Besancon in southern France; the Vosges Mountains, Strasbourg, the Colmar Pocket, Siegfried Line, Rhine River, Bamberg, Nurnberg, Munich, Berchtesgaden, Salzburg. There were few veterans of the initial D-Day on hand for V-E Day in Salzburg and Berchtesgaden, a solemn day for both veterans and recruits alike. For during those 30 months, the 3rd had sustained 34,000 casualties -- more than any of the 60 divisions in the European Theater -- in its 3200 mile trail from Casablanca to Salzburg. April
16, 1945:
Nurnberg was the goal and the 3rd knew it would have a tough fight on
hands. Captured Wehrmacht and Volksturm troopers indicated a stand
be made at Nurnberg which Hitler had selected to play host to the
celebration of the Nazi party.
After 30 months of campaigning, after fighting through seven countries, eight separate campaigns, the war was over for the 3rd. No wonder Lt. Richard Ford, 10th Engr. Bn., said: "It's amazing to think it's over. I feel a little let down.” "ROCK OF THE MARNE" -- A TRIBUTE TO STRENGTH Origin & WW1 Then the late President Roosevelt and former Prime Minister Churchill decided on the invasion of North Africa they told their army chiefs to select crack divisions for the amphibious operation, the toughest operation in the books. The 3rd was picked to hit the west coast of French Morocco and capture the highly important port of Casablanca. Both the 3rd's history in World War I and its state of readiness in this war governed its selection. Along the banks of the Marne in 1918, the 3rd stood fast while two German divisions pounded it from three sides. But the 3rd held, the enemy was forced to retreat and the peril to Paris was eliminated. Thereafter, the 3rd became known as the "Rock of the Marne" Division. The 3rd took part in the fighting at the Somme, Chateau-Thierry, Champagne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Aisne-Marne. In August, 1919, after a stretch as occupation troops, the division left France for the States and was demobilized. Reactivated in September, 1921, at Fort Lewis, Wash., the 3rd remained in Washington and California until it went to Camp Pickett, Va., in September, 1942, to prepare for the invasion of North Africa. The division's background was rooted in the history of its regiments. Their battle honors include the campaigns of 1812, Spanish-American War, Indian Wars, Mexican and Civil Wars. The 7th Regt. was first organized in 1798, mustered out in 1800, reorganized in 1808 and has had continuous service since. Its long list of battle honors begins with the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. The 15th Regt. was organized as a regiment of volunteers to fight the British in 1812. It also saw action in the Mexican War and took part in six major battles during the Civil War. The regiment served twice in China, first during the Boxer Rebellion and later for a 26-year period ending in 1938, when it returned to the States and was assigned to the 3rd. The 30th Regt. participated in the War of 1812 and in the Civil War, but the history of the present regiment began with its formation in 1901 at Fort Logan, Colorado. It and the 7th were part of the division in World War I. "Blue and White Devils" is only one of the nicknames belonging to the 3rd. That name is a grudging tribute from the Germans who were defeated at the Anzio beachhead. Nazis also called the 3rd the "Sturm" Division, a name often applied to their own units. The 3rd's invasion off Fedala, French Morocco, in the inky blackness of Nov. 8, 1942, was far from being a perfect landing. Amphibious landings were new and when the ships' deployment in the transport area became mixed, H-hour was set back 45 minutes. A dangerous shore line, rocks and a heavy sea, capsized many boats. Once inland, friendly naval gunfire occasionally hit advancing troops. But it was a start and it was successful. While the division prepared its assault on Casablanca, Nov. 11, the French asked for an armistice. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., commanding Western Task Force, told Maj. Gen. J. W. Anderson, then CG of the 3rd: "Thanks for the birthday present, Andy." Next followed a long period free from combat. The 30th sent troops northward to patrol the borders of Spanish Morocco. One battalion commanded by Col. (then Maj.) Charles E. Johnson, acted as honor and security guard at the Casablanca conference. Gen. Anderson left the division Feb. 22 and was replaced by Lt. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott, later Fifth Army Commander. A vigorous training program followed Gen. Truscott made it his business to see that the division could march five miles an hour for the first hour, and four miles an hour thereafter. The pace was called the Truscott Trot; it made the 3rd famous. Other American divisions, the 1st, 9th, 34th and 1st Armored, were fighting for Tunisia. When the Afrika Korps was about to collapse, the 3rd's 15th Regt. was committed to action. It hadn't fired a shot when the Germans surrendered. "Hell," said 1st Lt. Don G. Taggart, current division historian. "We got that battle star for maneuvering into position." That star was the only gift the 3rd ever received without working for it. SICILY -- SPRINGBOARD TO ITALY Next amphibious operation for the Marne Division was Sicily. It was rough. Not only were Italians and Germans fighting to hold on to Sicily but it was mid-July, hottest time of the year in a hot country. Water was scarce; climbing one mountain meant only another mountain to climb. Licata was the scene of the 3rd's invasion. Marne-men exhibited their Truscott Trot immediately. In the drive for Palermo they covered 90 miles in three days, all on foot. During the attack, the 30th's 3rd Bn. covered, by marching over mountainous terrain, 54 miles in 33 hours -- a record the division believes still stands -- then attacked the town of San Stefano Quisquina. Outside Palermo the Army commander drew a line where foot troops were to stop; entry was to be made by armored forces. Gen. Truscott received permission to "patrol" the town, however, and 3rd Bn., 7th, entered the city to be met next morning by tankers from the 2nd Armd. Div. He
called himself
"The Old Goat" but there was nothing old about the way Lt. Col. Lyle
loaded his 2nd Bn., 30th, into Higgins
boats and Ducks to make two
behind enemy lines as the 3rd pushed up the Sicilian coast toward
For these two invasions, the battalion won the Presidential Unit
Citation. Again, at Messina, Marne-men were first into the city. Again it was the 7th, climaxing a drive against stubborn German rear guards that resulted in the bloodiest fighting of the entire campaign. Thirty days after the fall of Messina (Sept. 17, 1943), the 3rd headed for Italy and crossed the recently won Salerno beachhead. Three days later, elements of the 30th met German troops south of Acerno. Forgotten was the Truscott Trot in the rugged mountains, the biting rain, and against the powerful, stubborn German army. The division made an audacious crossing of the Volturno River Oct. 13. The river valley was perfectly flat, fringed with mountains affording the enemy excellent observation, cross fire and strong artillery support. Without stopping to take a breather, the 3rd plunged into the icy waters, crossed the river. Casualties were high. The situation was tense once during an enemy tank counter-attack, but the division crunched ahead to the mountains to upset the German timetable. It was in the mountain approaches to Cassino that the division met its toughest opposition and displayed its greatest offensive prowess. Heavily reinforced, the Germans sat on Monte Rotundo, Monte Lungo and Monte la Difensa, ringing Mignano on the north, determined to hold at all costs. Every foot of the way was heavily mined. Jeeps were replaced by pack mules. Men died who might have lived if they could have been transported over the long and tortuous trails to aid stations. Co. K, 7th, once had 23 casualties from AP mines while climbing a hill to relieve another company. Mules were forever straying off the paths, exploding mines and wounding badly needed men. As winter approached, the 3rd captured Monte Rotundo, the south nose of Lungo and all of steep, barren La Difensa, except one summit guarded by a 200-foot cliff. {Monte La Difensa is the prominent mountain that was captured by the 1st Special Service Forces, as depicted in the movie "The Devils Brigade".} It was on Monte Rotundo that Capt. Maurice L. "Footsie" Britt, Lone Oak, Ark., former Detroit Lions' football star, CO Co. L, 30th, became a legendary figure through his exploits. Despite painful grenade wounds, he inspired his company of 40 to stand off three separate counter-attacks, throwing "at least 30 grenades," firing his carbine, a Tommygun, anything he could shoot to beat off the enemy. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Previously, Capt. Arlo Olson, Baton Rouge, La., 15th, drove his men through a vastly superior force in 13 rugged days. Killed by a mortar fragment at San Felice, he also was awarded the CMH. This type of grim fighting had its results. The first approaches to Cassino were forced, a toe hold gained for succeeding troops. The 3rd came out of the line Nov. 17, 1943, rested until the end of December in the knee-deep mud near San Felice. Practice river crossings on the Volturno indicated that Marne-men would force the issue at the Rapido which flowed through Cassino. ANZIO AND THE RACE TO ROME BEGINS But with the new year, a switch in plans sent the 3rd to the Naples staging area to prepare for a landing 30 miles south of Rome, an operation that was to roll back the enemy on the southern Italian front. The 3rd and a brigade of the British 1st Div. landed Jan. 22 near the little resort towns of Nettuno and Anzio. Winston Churchill once spoke of "tears, sweat and toil." Anzio was paid for in guts -- American and British guts. More than 6000 men died during the next few months to protect 100 square miles of beachhead. In that hallowed niche reserved for names like Bataan and Guadalcanal, Anzio will live forever. Anzio always will be a vivid memory to the men who fought there... and survived. Three regiments landed abreast, each speared by an assault battalion. By mid-afternoon next day, they were 10 miles inland. The enemy's reaction was swift. Instead of withdrawing, he raced fresh troops from the Rome vicinity and northern Italy and hurled them into battle. When a 45th Inf. Div. combat team landed on the beachhead D plus 6, an equivalent of three divisions loomed in front of Cisterna on Highway 7 as the 3rd regrouped for its first assault. The brick-wall defense stopped the attack, which began Jan 29 and ended early Jan. 31. When the 7th's 1st Bn. finally was relieved, less than 200 men were left; 2nd Bn. had 400; 3rd Bn., 600. Closest to Cisterna were 1st Bn., 30th, and 2nd Bn., 15th, which had to swing to the defense only 1500 yards from the objective. Anzio was barely 14 miles wide and 10 miles from sea to front at its deepest penetration. The enemy squatted around the beachhead's perimeter and in the Colli Laziali Hills with perfect observation of every square inch of beachhead. Sally, the Berlin broadcaster, knew what type of rations men ate. Among songs she dedicated was, "Don't Get Around Much Anymore." Among her remarks was, "As long as there is blue and white paint, there'll always be a 3rd Division," The blue and white paint outlasted Sally. When VI Corps ordered defensive emplacements dug along the Mussolini Canal -- the beachhead line -- weary, battered Marne-men doggedly refused to let the Krauts push them back. The Mussolini Canal plan was discarded. That line, won during the first Cisterna assault, was to be held. Men like T/5 Eric Gibson and Pfc Lloyd Hawks would have approved the decision, the former if he hadn't been killed when he left his field kitchen to lead a squad of recruits into their first battle; the latter, if he hadn't been near death in a Naples hospital after saving the lives of two buddies although he had been wounded in the head, suffered a shattered arm and leg. Both men won the Medal of Honor. The first defensive battle occurred Feb. 16 when Hitler tried to remove the thorn in the side of Italy. Main weight of the attack was pressed against the 45th Div. and British 1st Div. near Aprilia. When the line receded but didn't disintegrate, Col. Lionel C. McGarr's 30th Inf. and the 1st Armd. Div. counterattacked across the flat Pontine marshes to steady and re-establish the beachhead line. Maj. Gen. (then Brig. Gen.) John W. O'Daniel assumed command Feb. 17 when Gen. Truscott went to VI Corps. Men well remember his classic retort to Field Marshal Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander's question in the War Room. "I believe it is true that your division did not give an inch. Is that right?" asked the Commander of Allied Armies in Italy. "Not a God-damn inch!" replied "Iron Mike." For a while, the fight simmered down, then flared again Feb. 29. Field Marshal Kesselring flung three divisions and elements of a fourth against the 3rd. Wave upon wave of enemy infantry stormed positions. Supported by seven tanks, a regiment struck a company Of the 7th, only to be whipped back in retreat. Next morning, two tanks from Ponte Rotto barreled through Co. L, headed for the battalion CP. Co. K stemmed, their advance. It was the same all along the line. Fourteen tanks grinding from Cisterna toward Isola Bella, held by the 15th, were slapped down by TDs or turned tread and fled. Because reserves were thin, front line doughs had to hold. Second Bn., 30th, made the main attack, wiping out an enemy penetration of 1000 yards at Carano; the 5th restored its positions between Carano and Ponte Rotto. Krauts stacked their dead, covered them with a bulldozer. The push of Yank forces on the southern front of the Italian boot was the signal to break out of the beachhead. The date was May 23, an indelible mark in the minds of Marne-men. The 3rd bore the brunt of the attack. Cisterna, key to the enemy's defense, its approaches sewed with mines and anti-tank ditches, latticed with trenches and emplacements, had to be taken. Late May 21, all three regiments shifted into place, spent a restless day under the scant cover of the Mussolini Canal and adjacent ditches. H-hour was 0630, May 23. The plan demanded the 30th encircle Cisterna from the left, the 15th to by-pass it to the right; the 7th to crash it head-on. On the 23rd, the division suffered 995 battle casualties, believed to be the highest ever sustained by a single division in one day's fighting. Marne-men kept slugging it out. By nightfall, most companies had lost key personnel; less experienced carried on. Heroes were legion, four won the Medal of Honor for the first two day's fighting. Pvt. Henry "Kraut-an-Hour" Schauer killed 17 Germans in 17 hours with his BAR; Pvt. Johnny Dutko wiped out two machine guns, then charged and silenced an 88; Pvt. James Mills, first scout, led his platoon in his initial combat; Pvt. Patrick Kessler charged an enemy gun after 20 of his buddies were killed or wounded, knocked out a strongpoint, picked off two snipers to help his company advance. The 7th plowed into Cisterna. By noon of the 25th, the city belonged to the 3rd Div. while the 30th raced ahead to Cori. Pushing on to Artena, "Blue and White Devils" ripped into the crack Hermann Goering Division, crushing it in a battle that matched Cisterna for ferocity, Next, Highway 6 was crossed, cutting the enemy's escape route from the south; Valmontone, taken. The race to Rome began. Preceding the capture of Valmontone was an incident that is an epic in the pages of the 3rd's history. Pvt. Elden J. Johnson and Pvt. Herbert Christian were in a patrol from the 15th ordered to scout enemy positions. No sooner did the patrol run into an ambush than the leader was killed, a 20mm slug tore off Christian's left leg, machine gun bullets ripped into Johnson's stomach. Born men went down. In the blackness of night lit only by the vivid scars of red and green tracers and German flares, both men struggled to their feet to charge the enemy while 11 uninjured doughs withdrew. They were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously. First Lt. Frank Greenlee, Nashville, Tenn., led his platoon of the 3rd Recon Troop into Rome at 0800 June 4 in a photo finish with the 88th Recon Troop. By nightfall, the first capital of a Nazi nation had fallen. To the 3rd fell the honor of garrisoning the city. New uniforms were issued to troops who became garrison for the first time in 14 months. {88th Recon Troop was part of the 88th 'Blue Devils' Divsion. Most units claim they were the first to enter Rome. Surpising that this booklet gives this recognition to whom it was due.} June 6 was D-Day in Normandy, but for Marne-men, who experienced four D-Days, it was just another invasion. The Rome interlude was brief. The time had come to stab at "the soft underbelly of Europe." To gird itself for the assault on southern France, the 3rd, along with the 36th and 45th Divs., returned to the familiar staging grounds at Naples. BLUE AND WHITE DEVILS PIERCE "UNDERBELLY OF EUROPE" Aug.
15, 0800: VI
Corps poured more men on the Riviera
than splashed on the Normandy shores at H-hour. Military experts
labeled it a perfect amphibious operation. It couldn't have been
For the 36th,
it was the second; for the 45th,
the third; for the 3rd, the fourth D-Day. So expert was the landing
within the first 24 hours, "Blue and White Devils" rounded up 1000 PWs
and began dashing parallel to the coast toward Toulon an Marseille.
off the two ports later captured by the French for landing of
troops, the 3rd now whipped north along the Rhone River valley. Nazis
towards the Belfort Gap but they weren't fast enough.
Proud wearers of the Blue and White patch were the division's attached units, the 756th Tank Bn., 601st TD Bn. and 441st AAA Bn. The mediums of the 756th always worked in support of the doughs. When 2nd Bn., 7th, was cut off at Utweiler, it was chiefly because the entire platoon of supporting tanks had been immobilized by a mine field; when the battalion was rescued, it was chiefly because the tanks were able to get through and knock out six more SP guns. The 601st, which was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for its work at El Guettar, lived up to its reputation in its 20 months with the division. In two days at Anzio, the battalion knocked out or stopped an estimated 20 enemy tanks, one downed a plane. At Cisterna, one platoon knocked out three AT guns at less than 50 yards. The 441st, one of the first ack-ack units to lend close support to ground troops, performed nearly 200 ground support missions in France and Germany. One flak-wagon attached to the 39th FA Bn. was the big punch in rounding up 132 Germans near Vesoul, France. Seven Nazi planes in one day was the battalion record on the Volturno in October, 1943. During the Italian campaign, the division was supported by the 751st and 191st Tank Bns. Another unit was the 36th Engr. Regt., which formed the nucleus of the beach group for each of the four amphibious operations. Today, the 3rd Inf. Div. holds its head high. Victory is no hollow word for only fighting men know the real meaning of the word. Men of the 3rd know full well the meaning of victory from 1942 to 1945. Victory was paid for in full. The 3rd Division says to the world: "Let us not swerve from our determination that never will it be necessary for us to do this kind of job again." ~~~~~ End of Text ~~~~~ |
Major-Gen Walter C.
1939 – 1940
Major-Gen Charles F. Thompson 1940 - Jul
Brigadier-Gen Charles P.
Aug 1941 – Sep 1941
Major-Gen John P.
Sep 1941 - Mar 1942
Major-Gen John W.
Mar 1942 – Feb 1943
Brigadier-Gen William A. Campbell Feb 1942 – Mar 1943
Major-Gen Lucian K. Truscott, Jr. Mar 1943 -
Major-Gen John W.
Feb 1944 – Dec 1944
Brigadier-Gen Robert N. Young
Dec 1944 – Jan 1945
Major-Gen John W.
Jan 1945 – Jul 1945
Note: The above table attempts to reflect the organization of the 3rd Division during it service in Italy.
the motto of the 3rd Infantry Division is referred to as the "Rock of
The Distinguishing Unit Insignia for its units will have a rock sitting
on top of the crest. But note: the 503rd Parachute Infantry
insignia has the motto "The Rock" in a banner under its crest.
And there is
another unit that uses this motto that was originally part of the 3rd
but was moved to the 2nd Infantry Division.
Distinguishing Unit Insignia's for the 3rd Division
![]() |
![]() |
7th Infantry Regiment "Cotton Balers" |
3rd QuarterMaster |
Reference Material:
Return to Top of PageOther unit histories located on my website:
85th "Custer" Division and associated 310th Combat Engineer Battalion
88th "Blue Devil" Division & 91st "Powder River" Division & 1st Armored Division
36th "Texas" Division & 45th "Thunderbird Division & 442nd Regimental Combat Team
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